Please note that we are receiving more and more reports of counterfeit POSTUR products.
As a reminder, all POSTUR products come with a minimum one-year warranty, and a minimum 90-day money-back guarantee. However, we can only refund or exchange a product if it is a genuine POSTUR product.
Please note that we cannot refund devices purchased from fraudulent online stores or Amazon, as these are not our genuine products.
How do I know that this is a product manufactured in the Postur Technology laboratories?
- You can purchase official products exclusively on the official Postur Technology website. (USA) (EUROPE)
Or in our stores
- Chicago
- Denver
- San Francisco
- Montpellier
- Paris
- Neuchâtel
- Frankfurt
- Liège
- Valencia
or at our official POSTUR® partner pharmacies, doctors and podiatrists.
Packaging always includes the POSTUR logo and official POSTUR documents.
If you have any doubts about an authorized reseller, please contact our Postur team at